Our purpose is to foster fellowship and brotherhood, grow deeper in our relationship with Christ, and help one another grow in our Catholic faith. We meet on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month in the Parish Life Center from 6-7:15am.
Question: Why do we meet so early?Jesus rose early in the morning to pray and spend time with His disciples. It's a sacrifice He made and we are inspired to do the same. The timing of our meetings allow men in all seasons of life to join us. We end early so men can get to work, get the kids to school, attend 7:30am Mass, or hit the golf course. Getting men together and growing as disciples will transform our lives and the lives of our families as we grow in our love for Christ. Contact: Todd Black 678-522-4416Email Todd Black
6:00 to 6:15 Fellowship, coffee & donuts
6:15 Opening Prayer
6:20 - 6:35 Video or discussion
6:35 - 7:00 Small Group Discussion
7:00 – 7:10 Room Discussion
7:10 - 7:15 Prayer Requests
7:15 - 7:30 Fellowship, coffee & donuts