Would you like to serve in liturgical ministries? There are many unique opportunities to participate in the liturgy experience. Please contact Lissy De Jesus, Director of Liturgy at [email protected] if you are interested in serving..
Altar Linens- Those in our altar linen ministry wash, iron and fold (at home) the linens used for parish liturgies. Initial Training- 2 hour session at an altar linen minister’s house Time Commitment- About once every 2 months
Altar Servers- Youth in grades 5-12 are invited to serve at the altar under the guidance of our deacons and priests. They gain valuable knowledge of the Liturgy and its parts as they assist the clergy in various roles at the Sunday Masses, Holy Days, and various liturgies with the Bishop. Initial Training: 1 session with Coordinator OngoingFormation: Annual meeting Time Commitment: 1-2 masses per month
Arts and Environment Team- Our art and environment seasonal decorators work closely with our clergy to create a worship space worthy of our Liturgy. Members are expected to have or develop an understanding of liturgical art, the liturgical seasons, and the principles of liturgical decoration. Time Commitment: Called as needed.
Baptism Coordinators- Our Baptism Coordinators welcome all on the day of the Baptism and assist the Priest / Deacon with the set up and details of the event. This is a joyous ministry as you walk with the young families in this critical stage of their faith life as they initiate their children into the Church. Initial Training: Training session then mentoring by an experienced baptism coordinator. Ongoing Formation: As needed Time Commitment: 1-2 times a month
Bread Bakers- Our bread bakers prepare (at home) the bread used for our liturgies. The bakers are provided with the recipe and instructions for baking the bread. Initial Training- 2 hour session at a baker’s house Time Commitment- Bake 2 times a month
Cross Bearers- Our cross bearers carry the processional cross during the opening and closing procession. Ministers must be able to lift the Cross, which is nearly 40 pounds. Initial Training: One half hour session Ongoing Formation: Annual workshop Time Commitment: 2 liturgies each month
Eucharistic Ministers- Our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion possess a deep love and reverence for the Eucharist and a joyful desire to share it with the community. Initial Training: One 2 ½ hour session Ongoing Formation: Annual workshop Time Commitment: 2 -3 liturgies each month
Hospitality Ministers- Our Hospitality Ministers can sign up for service as an individual or as a family. They are gracious and hospitable, love to smile and talk with people. You will arrive 30 minutes before Mass to ensure that all is ready. Duties include greeting people at the door, keeping the communion procession orderly, warmly bidding farewell to parishioners, and serving coffee and donuts. This ministry truly carries out Jesus’s command to “Welcome the stranger.” Initial Training: One hour session. Ongoing Formation: Annual workshop Time Commitment: Serve about 2-3 times a month
Mass Coordinators- Our Mass Coordinators must possess a deep love and reverence for the Eucharist and Liturgy. Mass Coordinators work to ensure that things run as planned at Sunday liturgies, coordinate all the various ministries for a particular Mass, ensure all ministry spots are filled, and coordinate special activities. Initial Training: Mentoring by an experienced Mass Coordinator. Ongoing Formation: Meets seasonally Time Commitment: Serve 2 – 3 times per month
Readers- A reader must possess a love and respect for the scriptures and be gifted with public-speaking skills. Readers proclaim the scripture readings, read the Prayers of the Faithful, and help at various special liturgies and events. Initial Training: One 2 hour session required Ongoing Formation: Attendance at 1-2 workshops per year & practice at home before reading. Time Commitment: Serve 1-2 times per month.